• New in React

    A place for notes on React changes I'm keeping an eye on.

  • Relearning CSS: Part Two

    As promised, here is part two covering sizing units, the box model and links.

  • TC39 Proposals Notes Tracker

    Yet again another series, where I keep track of the TC39 proposals I'm curious about! I also explain what TC39 is.

  • Chakra UI

    There are numerous CSS frameworks out there; all have their own uses, advantages and disadvantages. Here I delve into Chakra UI and look at some of the features which sets it apart from the others.

  • Next.js

    Here I explain the features of Next.js and a few reminders to myself when building with it.

  • React Query

    A small introduction to React-Query with example code.

  • Relearning CSS: Part One

    I'm starting a new series, in which I go through and look at different aspects of CSS.

  • Terminal Extras

    A few steps on how to customise your terminal with fig.

  • Setting Up Git/Github Credentials

    A few steps to set up git/github on Mac machine

  • Clean Javascript/ReactJS

    Writing cleaner/easier-to-read code in ReactJS