• GraphQL

    GraphQL is a fast and efficient query language for APIs. When compared to REST, it is known for it's performance when retrieving data and easiness for implementation. It can be incorporated into many tech stacks.

  • Debugger in VS Code

    VS Code comes with an in-built debugger. Here I discuss how you can get it up and running.

  • Rome

    You're probably heard of es-lint and prettier. Rome is new and similar to both of these.

  • Prisma

    Here I dive in Prisma. Discussing the basics of what Prisma is, the functionality and how it could be intergrated into a node.js application.

  • Algorithms + Data Structures: Arrays

    I'm going to attempt to teach you (and myself) how Algorithms and Data Structures are weaved into web applications!

  • Next.js 13 Notes

    Notes on Next.js new release to go back on.

  • Relearning CSS: Part Five

    In this post I look at flexbox/css grid, styling forms and responsiveness.

  • Storybook

    If you're building a web application, you're probably using a framework. And frameworks use components. Storybook enables you see and edit these components.

  • Relearning CSS: Part Four

    Here is the penultimate post of the Relearning CSS series!

  • Relearning CSS: Part Three

    In this post I deleve into styling images, z-index + positioning, and when to use !important.