• A11y

    Looking at what a11y is, why it is important and techniques that could be implemented into a web application.

  • JavaScript Event Handlers

    Code Snippets of DOM event handlers.

  • Vite/es-build/Webpack/Parcel/rollup.js

    Looking into how JavaScript bundlers differ and which one would be the most benefical when creating an application.

  • PNPM? NPM? And What Happened to Yarn?

    Comparing PNPM, NPM and Yarn. Looking at what each one offers and what differentiates one from the other.

  • Container Style Queries: A Working Document

    Container style queries are still in their infancy. Supported by Chromium and Safari, it's one I'll be keeping an eye on.

  • Algorithms + Data Structures: Linked List

    In this post I cover the basics of a Linked List, and dive into the differences between a singly, doubly and circular Linked Lists. Looking at the structure for each and problem sets.

  • Cookies in JavaScript Applications

    Here I give a brief overview of cookies. Discussing what the difference is between sessions, cookies and local storage.

  • Playwright

    Playwright Test enables you to take out end-to-end testing on applications written in Node.js, Python, Java and .Net. It supports Chromium, WebKit and Firefox.

  • What's WebKit?

    The web browser engine used by Safari, Mail, App Store and many other apps on macOS/iOS/Linux.

  • Remix

    Another day, another front-end framework!