• Setting Up Git/Github Credentials

    A few steps to set up git/github on Mac machine

  • Clean Javascript/ReactJS

    Writing cleaner/easier-to-read code in ReactJS

  • Resources: December

    Articles, libraries and other resources accumulated throughout December front-end newsletters.

  • Redux Alternatives

    Alternatives that can be used in place of Redux in React applications. 🙌

  • Resources: November

    Articles, libraries and other resources accumulated throughout November front-end newsletters.

  • Macbook Control via the Terminal

    Note to self: macbook doesn't need to be restarted to get the audio or touch bar working again.

  • Resources: October

    I've decided to set up a monthly round up of all the resources from the front-end newsletters that I have been neglecting for many months. This is for my own personal use but if it helps someone else then that's great too!

  • Random Git Bits

    Git commands I keep forgetting. A work in progress post, nothing exciting to see here.

  • Custom Fonts in Tailwind

    Typography in Tailwind has been tricky however recently a new plugin was launched! You no longer have to disable the default fonts on Tailwind or come up with a creative solution to manage fonts with Tailwind.

  • Config in Front End

    There are many small ways to ensure a front-end project is kept consistent amongst developers. Prettier is one way of ensuring code is formatted correctly. Files such as .nvmrc and .npmrc help lock the node version and ensure there are no conflicts with the version of the Node used with NPM packages.