Unix Basics

Unix is an operating system, which comes in different varieties such as MacOS X and Fedora Linux to name a couple.

The kernel in Unix allocates time and memory to programs. It also handles where files are stores and the communications which take place across the system.

The shell in an interface between the user and kernel, sometimes refered to as the terminal.

For example if a user typed in rm <file-name>, the shell would search the system for the file name containing rm and makes a request to the kernel through a system call to execute the command.

Basic Unix Commands

ls View files in current directory

ls -R View all files and files within subdirectories

ls -a This will show you all hidden files in the directory

cat Create new text file

cat <file-name> Create a new text file with a given name

cat <file-one> <file-two> > <new-file-name> Combine two files

rm <file-name> Remove a file

mv <file-name> location-name Move a file to a new location

mv <file-name> new-file-name Rename a file

sudo <your-command> Run program with security privileges of superuser/root

mkdir <directory-name> Create a directory

mkdir /user/<directory-name> Create a directory with a given path

rmdir <directory-name> Remove a directory

mv <directory-one> new-directory-name Rename a directory

clear This will clear the console