🎨 Front End
Nov 7, 2020
1 min read
Articles, libraries and other resources accumulated throughout November front-end newsletters.
New Redux fundamentals
Clickjacking attacks
Choosing React libraries
First look at remix.run
Adopting TypeScript
React security
CSS variables instead of React context
Building a design system with KendoReact
Server rendering in React
Auth0 in React Apps
Sticker Component
React colorful
React state with useReducer and useContext
Dark Mode with Gatsby.js
React Anti-Patterns
DRY styled components
Fetching Data with useEffect
React Component Code Smells
Back/forward Cache
Code fix
React frontload
Prettier 2.2
Spotify Charting Library
TypeScript Performance
Vue intro
Adobe XD + VSCode
Operator lookup
Build a contact form with React + AWS [video]
Building a cookie alert as a web component