A very high level overview to setting up a server in AWS.
Essentially your own private network. The Internet is a public network of networks. A server has an IP address that can be routed to access the Internet.
Safety and security.
Host your website, games etc.
Create an AWS EC2 instance. You will need to launch an Amazon Linux 2 AMI, SSD Volume Type.
When it comes to the instance type, select t2.micro.
Create a new key pair, download it, and launch the instance.
After downloading the sshtunnel.pem
file, move it to ~/.ssh/
$downloads: mv sshtunnel.pem ~/.ssh/
Change the file permission:
$~: chmod 400 ~/.ssh/sshtunnel.pem
SSH into the instance:
$~: ssh -i ~/.ssh/sshtunnel.pem ec2-user@private_ip