Building Your Own Server With AWS

A very high level overview to setting up a server in AWS.

What is a Server?

Essentially your own private network. The Internet is a public network of networks. A server has an IP address that can be routed to access the Internet.

Why Should You Build a Server?

Safety and security.

What Can You Do With a Server?

Host your website, games etc.

How to Set Up a Server with AWS

Create an AWS EC2 instance. You will need to launch an Amazon Linux 2 AMI, SSD Volume Type.

When it comes to the instance type, select t2.micro.

Create a new key pair, download it, and launch the instance.

Terminal Commands

After downloading the sshtunnel.pem file, move it to ~/.ssh/ directory:

$downloads: mv sshtunnel.pem ~/.ssh/

Change the file permission:

$~: chmod 400 ~/.ssh/sshtunnel.pem

SSH into the instance:

$~: ssh -i ~/.ssh/sshtunnel.pem ec2-user@private_ip