There are a number of ways to improve the performance of an app; debugging, accessibility or running an audit on your app.
When you click on the double right arrows you should see a menu, head over to the audits tab.
Download the Lighthouse Chrome tool here.
First Contentful Paint
The amount of time it taken for the first bit of text or image to render
First Meaningful Paint
The amount of time taken for an image or text to render completely
Speed Index
Time taken for last image or text to render in seconds
Time to Interactive
Time taken for the page to become interactive
Production mode enables you to compress your bundle, the samller the size of your bundle the better the load time of your application. There are many compression plugins which can help with this, one of the most popular ones is brotli
by Google, which is supported by most browsers. Another Technique that can also be used is code splitting; breaking down your app into smaller sizes, so only certain parts are rendered when necessary.
Avoids Application Cache
Links to cross-origin destinations are safe
Avoids front-end JavaScript libraries with known security vulnerabilities
Detected JavaScript libraries
No browser errors logged to the console
Displays images with correct aspect ratio
More information here.
It also checks for internationalisation and localisation; enabling you to check the content is set to the userβs preferred location, which maybe used in conjunction with server side rendering within a React app.